

CarePartners Adult Day Center, Inc. was established in 1993 to provide quality, person-centered adult day services in Franklin and northern Grand Isle Counties. Originally, our adult day program was open once a week but in response to the community’s needs we have through the years expanded our days and hours of operation. We now served Franklin, Grand Isle, and Chittenden Counties, and are open 5 days a week, 8 am- 5 pm.

In the past 30 years, our program has grown tremendously including a new building specifically designed for adult day program needs. We strive to maintain a program that is of a size that assures a high quality of service and intimacy.

Each participant is an extraordinary individual. Our goal is to recognize and encourage the individual strengths of participants, while providing supports for their limitations.  In addition, we believe everyone has the potential for growth and development.

The Mission of CarePartners is to foster the strengths and abilities of adults while preserving their dignity, independence and quality of life.  We support them and their caregivers in their efforts to remain at home. 

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